Presentation TitleFull Name
Chinese Acoustic Rain Enhancement Experiments and Effect AnalysisZhanyu YAOView
Evaluating the Role of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Cloud Seeding: Design and Application for Summer Convection in the UAERoelof BurgerView
Insights from Glaciogenic Seeding Of Low Stratus Clouds with a UAVJan HennebergerView
Recent developments in modeling and deployment of regional climate interventionJean-Francois LamarqueView
Blending AI- and Physics-based Models with Advanced Sensing Techniques to Support Weather ResearchMarouane TemimiView
Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding in the Northwestern United States, The Idaho ApproachKala GoldenView
Development, implementation and operation of new cloud simulation chambers for ice nucleation experiments with natural and manufactured aerosolsOttmar MöhlerView
A Hybrid Machine Learning Framework for Enhanced Precipitation NowcastingLuca Delle MonacheView
Experience of using jet-aerosol technology in the formation of updrafts and clouds, challenges and new perspectivesAli AbshaevView
EVE and the challenge of anticipating changing patterns of precipitationBjorn StevensView
Exploring Fixed-Wing UAVs for Enhanced Cloud Seeding: Innovations in Weather ManagementVasilică IstrateView
Analyses of Cloud Seeding Materials using K-CPEC Laboratory and the Implementation in a WRF Spectral-bin Microphysics for Weather Modification AssessmentMiloslav BeloridView
Novel cloud seeding materials: the complex interplay between materials science and cloud physicsLinda ZouView
Artificial Heat Islands - an Intelligent Solution for Rainfall Enhancement in the UAEOliver BranchView
The potential impacts of solar radiation management on rainfall enhancement programmesChristopher LennardView