Presentation Title:Development, implementation and operation of new cloud simulation chambers for ice nucleation experiments with natural and manufactured aerosols
Full Name:Ottmar Möhler
Affiliation / Institution:Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract:During the previous years, new stationary and mobile cloud simulation chambers were developed or came into operation at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany. These chambers are based on the expansion cooling principle are capable for investigating ice nucleation processes or for measuring ice nucleating particles (INPs) at simulated cloud formation conditions in air parcels e.g. rising to a velocity of about 10 m s-1 in convective cloud systems. The dynamic cloud simulation chamber will be introduced and first results on the ice nucleation activity of mineral dust aerosols will be presented. The Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment PINE will also be described and an overview will be given on the long-term records and trends of INP concentrations measured during field campaigns in different environments so far. The potential for measuring the cloud condensation and ice nucleation properties of natural and manufactured aerosols will be siscussed for both the laboratory-based AIDAd cloud simulation chamber and the mobile and automated PINE instrument.