Poster Title:Comprehensive Assessment of IMERG V7 and CMORPH Precipitation Datasets in Arid Regions: Implications for Hydrological Applications
Full Name:Mohamed Said Elkollaly
Affiliation / Institution:National Water and Energy Center, UAEU
Full Name:Mohsen Sherif
Affiliation / Institution:National Water and Energy Center, UAEU
Abstract:Understanding precipitation dynamics in arid regions is essential for effective water resource management and hydrological applications. Satellite-derived precipitation datasets, such as the Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG V7) and the Climate Prediction Center Morphing (CMORPH) method, offer valuable alternatives to ground-based observations in these data-scarce areas. This study comprehensively assesses IMERG V7 and CMORPH datasets by evaluating their accuracy, spatiotemporal resolution, and suitability for hydrological applications in arid environments. Statistical metrics such as correlation coefficient, root mean square error (RMSE), and bias, will be utilized to compare these datasets against ground-based rainfall measurements. Analysis reveals primary insights into the performance of both datasets in capturing precipitation characteristics, including the intensity, frequency, and distribution of rainfall events. Findings highlight the strengths and limitations of each dataset in arid regions, with implications for their application in flood forecasting, drought monitoring, and water resource planning. This assessment contributes to the growing body of research on satellite precipitation products and underscores the importance of selecting appropriate datasets for hydrological modeling and climate studies in arid environments.